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October 23, 2017

Today’s digital world offers a wide range of marketing possibilities, but, at the same time, it produces a large field of competition. The internet has become a vast field of offers and as a result, it’s sometimes very hard to reach costumers, especially if you don’t have a targeted audience.

This is even more difficult in a real estate business, where you sell products that don’t differ so much from the products of your competition. If something is not fresh and new it’s almost impossible to make it stand out. But the fact is that your products can differ, once you establish your brand identity. Besides the fact it’ll tell them who you are, it will also help you to target the right audience.

This leads to recognition and credibility, resulting in customer’s trust. In order to overcome this ever-growing competition, it’s not enough just to go online, but you need to build a strong presence throughout consistency and successful marketing strategy.

Ladies and Gentleman, Step Right Up!

If you wish to attract customers and eventually sell them the property, first you need to invite them to your world. The key is to show them around, without actually giving them individual tours of properties. First, you’ll lose a great amount of time doing that and second, buyers themselves are reluctant to leave their comfortable chairs. So, the complete experience must be produced online.

When it comes to presenting your real estate on the internet, photographs are just not enough anymore, so you need to implement video walkthroughs in your offers. You can always hire professionals to produce the footage, but if you prefer to do it yourself try to avoid shaky and low-quality camera work. You’re not competing for the Oscars, but your customers should be able to see the properties clearly. The more you try, the better the result will be because in this business people do judge the book by its cover. Just don’t go too far, because people can feel if they’re being manipulated and become suspicious.

The point is to make them feel like they’re actually there, and if you want to immerse them completely you should check out Matterport 3D camera. It’s a bigger investment, but this tool basically makes your real estate a 3D dollhouse in which your customers can move freely and check every detail.

Share ’em if you like ’em

Your biggest allies in establishing your online presence are the social networks. If you’re present in the realm of social media it’s safe enough to say you’re present pretty much anywhere. But, suffice to say, it’s not enough just to have a Facebook page. You should use all of the social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin. But what’s most important is to use them right. Although it’s always about the competition and getting the most of likes and shares, you should use social media as a vast customers service hub.

This means you’ll probably need new employees whose only job will be to keep all your social account up to date - Twitter means nothing without the fast response time. In this area of marketing, there is not much space for written content, because it needs to be short and leave space for pictures and video. That’s why it’s always good to start a blog in addition.

There are always people who still prefer reading and your blog can provide them with engaging reading material that will easily turn them into fresh followers. Creating a blog is very important for establishing your identity because it gives you a unique voice. This creates a connection between you and your clients because that way they’ll get to know you and your values.

Caught in the Web

In order to implement all the marketing strategies listed above and create a strong online presence, you’ll need a strong base in the form of a professional website. Your website doesn't just need to look nice, it also needs to be functional and to represent your brand.

But the most important aspect is the navigation because it is the main ingredient for visibility.  While the quality of the content is in the first place, it is very important how that content is presented. You need to spread the web of corridors and shortcuts for your potential customers in order to keep them inside and to keep them interested. You need to plant the information on the right places and in order to do that you need to employ smart SEO strategies.

You need to find a reliable and experienced SEO Company that will set up your Search Engine Optimization right. Creating title tags, internal descriptions, meta descriptions and other elements for indexing is a very tricky thing and it requires a professional hand.  Don’t try to save up money on this because you won’t have the foundation on which to build your company’s empire.

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